Customer Comments
May I take this opportunity of thanking your organization for the excellent work you do. (I sent a small donation a while ago.) Your efforts must make a tremendous difference to the lives of prisoners; they certainly did with Michael in a very difficult time of his life. All the very best
I have made use of your service to stay in contact with a close friend who was incarcerated and found your service very easy to use and invaluable
I would like to say what a great service email-a-prisoner has been to our family. It saved having to wait for short phone calls which we sometimes missed because we never knew when they would come.
And it gave the whole family, who are all over the country, the opportunity to keep in touch with our relative and support him. He has now been released and is working again.
We all know keeping in touch with family helps all prisoners
Can I just say, email a prisoner has been a life line for me during the past 5 months, the work you all do is incredible and makes a huge difference in people (like myself) lives. Thank you so much for getting back in touch and sorting my issue out. It's very much appreciated
I've never had the slightest complaint or dissatisfaction in any aspect of your service and your contribution to helping prisoners, their families and friends, is one of the most worthwhile outside services that's ever been introduced; low cost, convenience, speed of delivery, a 'user friendly' and simple to use system - these are just a few of the many reasons why I appreciate (as I'm sure the vast majority of EMAP users will agree) your superb service
I've been using your service for a while now and feel I ought to tell you that I find it absolutely perfect. I am in Thailand where the postal service can be less than adequate. because of your system I can stay in touch. Prison is a horrible thing to have to endure and I'm sure your system has saved lives. Well done
As a relative living abroad I found the service very helpful and reliable as well as easy to use. It really made a difference
The prisoner I have been emailing has now been released so I will not need my account again. I would like to thank you for the wonderful service you have provided us with and congratulate you on the efficiency with which you operate
I have used this service for the last 5 years. It was a fantastic asset to have. Communication with my brother would have been much more difficult without it. The price was very reasonable and the offers amazing. I would strongly recommend anyone who can use email to use this system. It is very easy to use. Thank you for providing and supporting such a great facility.
I use email a prisoner to keep in touch with several care-experienced/adopted young men in prisons across the UK. I know how invaluable it is. Several of those young men are no longer in prison but still keep in touch. Being able to reach out to them at their weakest and show them that they aren't invisible, that despite their offences people DO want to help them is vital
Thank you so much for this service, as a mum experiencing this bumpy road this had made it a little more bearable, thank you thank you thank you
The only thing that keeps you going in jail is letters and visits and phone calls so loved this service is a real life saver
Many thanks to you lovely people who do so much to make life in prison easier for our unfortunate friends . I don't know how they and we would manage without the wonderful Email A Prisoner organisation
Can I take this opportunity to thank the company for such an amazing service. It really helps me feel in touch with my partner. Words cannot express how much my mind has been put at ease with such an accessible service. Thanks again, you are playing such a vital role
For me EMAP has been an essential point of contact, for more than two years. I think you have provided an essential service for that I thank you. My grandson has now been released, I will not be using your service’s anymore, fingers crossed. No truthfully I am confident his time in custody is behind him, I believe EMAP has contributed significantly to that. Once again thank you, keep up the good work, you have established trust and respect, that counts a lot
To you all. Thank you so much for this wonderful service. I found myself in this situation where my son was imprisoned. This was all alien to me and so upsetting, and I am not even in the same country. Then covid came so I had no chance of even going to visit. I found your service on the internet and it was a blessing. I could sit down and write to him whenever I needed to. It is a very sad, lonely and also shameful time when something like this happens but I had great comfort knowing that your support was there. He is due to be released soon so thankfully I won’t need your fantastic support any more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - A very grateful Mum x
I've been writing & the difference it has made to my son is phenomenal. Do not underestimate the power of keeping in touch, not just to the recipient but for family members as well. To achieve adding Leyhill to the reply service and picture service is astonishing. As a parent, I am very grateful. Thank you for enhancing the service to Leyhill for those trusted to receive it. - It makes such a difference to rehabilitation. Well done.
People dont take enough time to compliment, only complain. I just wanted to write and say thank you for this wonderful system that you are providing. Since using it I have been very impressed, easy to use, quick and it has made a massive difference to my relationship with my best friend who is inside. Knowing that communication can continue to flow much easier than previous measures is so reassuring and it is so important/valuable to his mental health which overall is what all prisons should be encouraging for all of those in their care. Keep up the good work
I was reading through the comments on your site from many people. All of those comments put together like that can somewhat begin to describe the value of this messaging service. My son is in prison since September this year (the year when Covid has shut the world down), each day we learn to be in this unfamiliar, unexpected & accidental situation in life. I haven't seen him since the day he walked into that courtroom. Christmas has come and gone two days ago. These messages are our lifeline as phone calls don't always work. Nights are long, I try to write to him during the most difficult hours, it has become the most positive thinking hours everyday, that reflects in his coping & learning from his experience on the other side. Like most people have said, this is one of those facilities that creates room for humaneness and dignity. God bless all that bring such invaluable kindness in every instance of life's 'moment of hopelessness. A prisoner's Mum
I just wanted to thank you for having this service it’s been a life saver for us but especially during the covid-19 outbreak. If I’ve ever had an issue or query about anything your team always respond with brilliant customer service, help resolve the issue or query and always make me feel that nothing is to much trouble. I use this service nearly every night to send emails/photos to my partner and I can’t fault it at all. I wish that EMAP got the recognition it truly deserves because this service has been a great way at maintaining family ties. A few times I’ve had to email as photos have even rejected but they’re always sent on immediately ready for delivery the next day, if I could give this service 5+ stars I would. Thank you for helping maintain family ties!
My Nephew has been released after 12 months in prison and I wanted to say Thank You for this great service. It has made the world of difference to our family. We have really felt that we could keep in touch easily, rather than waiting for limited time out of the cell for a call on a public phone. Thank you!
Just wanted to say a big thank you to Email a Prisoner for their wonderful service. They offer family contact all year round with a quick and easy system, but this has been even more appreciated during the pandemic. If there are any issues, the staff have sorted them promptly and sensitively and I cannot thank them enough. I have personally dealt with support staff who are a credit to the company. The customer service is top notch! Thank you!
I'd like to thank you as your service is fantastic I've had no issues with service and will be speaking kindly to encourage others to use this site. Thank you to all staff impressive service at getting back to customers and handling any issue they may have and refunds without any problems
Our son has just left prison and we want to say thank you so much for your email service. It has been such a benefit to our son and those of us who have written to him. It’s wonderful to keep in touch when visits have not been possible for many months and phones haven’t always worked or been available
I don't know if you will receive this, but I hope you do. I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you for this service you have provided. Now, more than ever, it is the only link some of us have with out loved ones who are are locked away in Prison and knowing that they are able to receive letters and photos from us - as well as being able to reply, means a great deal. A big, BIG thank you to all of your staff who are working to make this happen - be it at work or at home
Keep up the good work - it is greatly appreciated! Thank you for myself being able to contact my ex via yourselves. It has made the difference between hanging on in there and giving up for him in prison and myself at home alone. Such difficult times and yet I can still get and receive messages. My utmost appreciation. You’re doing a fantastic job...keeping morale up
I just want to thank you for your service. Only recently, you added the choice to pay for a "reply sheet". We had just got the e-mail/response going with my son before the lockdown. His phone calls were then limited to 5 minutes a day (or not at all), and so we were all able to put lots of our news, photos and so on into our e-mails because the phone call is so short. He could take the time to reply and think things over and give the detail he couldn't do on the phone, We have been so very grateful to the e-mail service for this lifeline. Over the bank holiday, the prison has kept our e-mails going into him, although none have come our way since the weekend. This is understandable and we are glad he receives daily news from his family to say he is not alone and we are thinking of him. A big thank you for your service, it means so very much to us, keep doing what you're doing
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to you all at emailaprisoner. So grateful that you're continuing to work despite what's going on around us with Covid -19. Keeping in touch at this time whilst we can't visit our loved ones is even more essential than normal. Just wanted to let you know that you are appreciated. THANK YOU.
Can I also take this opportunity to say what a great service email a prisoner gives to families and prisoners , I have your APP and its one of my important APPs by far.
Just like to let you know, emailaprisoner is very helpful because due coronavirus issues prisoner is still very difficult to ring me because lockdown to stay in cell most 24/7 and we have missed calls often and we are using emails to each other and to help prisoner feel better keep in touch
Hi Team, I just want to let you know that we can now access the reply service. Thank you so much for getting this service approved. I don't know who to say thank you to. We truly appreciate this. After about x2 years now, we finally able to communicate.
Much appreciated !!!This is just a very big thank you from a very grateful parent. I live in California and email a prisoner is a very big comfort. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
I'd just like to say how wonderful EMAP is. I have been using your service for ten years now. From Sunday my son's current prison started using your Reply Service and we are so impressed. Fast, efficient and just wonderful.
Thank you so much.Hi, just wanted to say a massive thank you for this service. It’s helped my mental health this week so much. My partner got sent to prison last Friday and I have been out of the country (he was in court as I was flying) and I have been worried sick about him. Found your website and since then I have been messaging through the day which feels like I’ve been texting him giving me a sense of normality. I received a reply on the second working day back from him and you can’t imagine the worry it alleviated from me. I hope that it will be helping him aswell whilst he is in there although I’m sure the prison staff must be getting sick of the amount of messages I’m sending haha Thanks again you’re amazing xx
Thank you to all the staff at EMAP. You provide a wonderful service.You make a very difficult situation less complicated, over the period that I have been using your service, you have demonstrated and established a level of trust that I appreciate. Again thanks and best wishes.
Just want to randomly say thank you so much for the email service you run. It has been a total lifeline to all our family while our son is in prison. It has made such a difference to how quickly we can get information to him, it has helped reduce the isolation and I am sure the bonds it has helped us maintain will help him when he is released.
I am sure you get a lot of hassle but wanted to say you have changed our lives and we really appreciate that you turned bad things into positives!I wrote the email on the 22nd of January and by the 24th my partner received the email and sent me a letter. Thank you very very much, I was worried but now I’m the happiest in the world’
I just wanted to thank you for your service. We are more fortune than most and can visit my son 2 or 3 times a week but the night-time is awful! I often email him in the middle of the night when I can't sleep, wondering if he's ok, missing him and just needing to be close to him. Although I know he won't get the email until the morning, just sending it makes him feel closer and can give me some piece of mind enough to get to sleep. The service is also excellent for giving him information that he needs to keep like phone numbers, what visits to book etc. There's too much going on at visiting and I know by the time he gets back to his hall he will have forgotten half of what I've told him. Having it on paper, in his room makes a difference and just takes away a bit more of the stress. Thanks again.
Thank you so much again for your support and service as without you I would have next to no contact with my partner as I am unable to attend visits due to the distance they have now sent him away from myself and the use of public transport only. The email a prisoner service is without any doubt a service that is required to be credited immensely. Thank you.
Thank you for providing a wonderful service that keeps me in touch with my brother. We are new to the system and had no idea how we would keep in touch but we read about the service in Prison Times and we are able to communicate everyday, even if he doesn't get the emails straight away. It's a life line to the outside, not only family updates but we can send interesting things we have read in the papers or heard on the radio. It is such a good idea.
The service you offer is wonderful and very much appreciated. Absolutely, the service is a life line to keeping in touch with loved ones. Keep up the brilliant work.
Thank you, your service is so important to me and my partner, thank you so much for the service and hard work.
Wow impressed with the support you and your team give, prison deactivated phone number told you and boom got new number for partner same day very satisfied customer thank you all so much. 1000% happy.
Guys your web site is wicked. My brother has been in prison 8 years and since I discovered you it’s been so easy to keep in contact rather than writing once a week it’s so easy to go on my phone and email him to stay in contact xx
I can never thank. You enough for your service which is 5* My Gentleman Friend has recently been moved to Rye Hill where sadly he is not able to send a reply. I am also aware that you wish to get not only the privilege to email a friend, but for them to reply into every prison in England and Ireland. I wish you every success in this humanitarian endeavour. I live in Gozo Malta so contact for me is ultra important. I hope this tip is instrumental in Rye Hill is soon happy to send replies. I am 80 years old, and so quite likely under a death sentence as flying always makes me ill, thus a fast and reliable service is even more important. Thank you again for the life line you are to so many distraught people, inside or left to mourn them.
Thank you so much for providing us with this email service. It’s easier and faster to just send a email. You can writing bits through out the day as it saves it in drafts for you to go back and finished it off or add more to it . Then you click send and they receive it in no time . You can also click for a reply sheet for them to reply to your emails . Also some emails let you send up to 4 pictures that they will print off on photo paper for them to keep . I love it I get to hear from my partner at least 2-3 times a week . When I was sending mail in the post I used to wait up to a week or two to hear back . It’s so good I really do recommend this site.
I wish to thank you for your support through the email service - it was a great help in keeping in contact with my hubby over this difficult time. Once again thank you for your great service
I would just like to say thank you so much for this service. It is making not only my husbands sentence but also mine and our children’s sentence without him a lot more bearable. Being able to message him every night and update him on the days goings on is amazing. He loves receiving his daily e mail as I love writing it every night and this is only possible with this service.....keep up the great work. :) Thanks a million
Great service ! Allows me to contact my son on a daily basis and send photos
I’d be lost without this service. Being able to send emails daily knowing he will get them quicker than if I was to send a letter. Unfortunately he can’t reply to them but hoping one day soon
Without the service you provide I would have to rely on Royal (snail) Mail to keep in touch with my friend. Your service is cheap, fast and much more reliable than normal post. Keep up the good work and thank you for a brilliant service
Thank you for this excellent service. I love it and it makes communication with my friend in prison so much easier and cheaper than royal mail. Keep up the good work
Dear Email A Prisoner, I just want to say what a wonderful service this is. It is just great. Many, many thanks for making communicating with my nephew who I love so dearly so much easier
Thanks again for such an amazing service and thank all the staff who make this service possible for me please - Kerry
Hi I'd just like to say a big thank you for the service you guys provide. It's an amazing service and a lifeline to the people who are in prison. So simple and easy to use . Thank you
Hi, would just like to say a massive thank you for this service. I have been using it for nearly 4 months now. Not once had a problem and my partner gets his emails the next day. Without this service my journey would of been a lot harder for myself and children. Thank you again x
I love emailaprisoner!!! Now my baby's been sentenced I can only have one visit a week. Emails keep us going. I received 12 off him last week :). Waiting for my neat phone number to clear on his PIN and then hopefully I can expect a lot more calls from him. What people don't realise is us on the outside are doing more of a sentence paying to go visit, money on visits, paying for canteen so we can speak to them, paying for our emails so we can have a reply. Emailaprisoner is the best thing ever thou xx
I cannot tell you how much this service is helping keep our relationship alive. It makes this very difficult time that bit easier. Thank you. Name withheld
I would like to commend the prison for using this service. It makes each day more bearable and now released I can email friends that still serve their sentences. Although I did not have the reply facility I can see how that would be invaluable for mental health within women's estate. Thank you for keeping 'the light on'
Thank you so much for making it easier to stay in touch with my son. It has helped us get through this. It is a wonderful service and cheap as well. Thank you
This service helps so much because any time I feel like I need to talk to dad I write an email and luckily where he is now they have the reply service. Thank you so much for giving me that because without this I wouldn't be able to write to dad whatever time I need to
Thanks for providing such a wonderful and cost effective service. Being able to communicate regularly made a world of difference during this very stressful time. In the nicest possible way I hope never to have to use your services again!
It has really made a difference to both of us to be able to communicate. And also has a positive effect on his mental health!
This service is a lifeline, especially when visiting is not possible. So much quicker than snail mail. We also love the reply service! Elizabeth
The service you provide is vital for all loved makes a very difficult time a little more bearable...Thank you so much x Janet
Can I just say you have been a god send. Released 2 days ago and so I won't need the service anymore, but this has literally been a lifeline because of the distance = lack of visits
You're helping to keep relationships alive and that's no small thing in real's huge. I can't thank you enough. X
I have recently due to circumstances had to find a way of communicating to my son in prison
I found this facility of At first I didnt know what I thought about how it would work but seemed to be the most quickest and effective way to send reassurance to my son
As I have not been involved with anything like this before and neither has he I thought it was a great idea and researched the founder to pass on my thanks for a fantastic idea
I read the article that you were an ex prisoner and I think it is a fantastic idea that you had and that you have gone on to create a lifeline to people who need it in difficult times of their lives. Not only for the prisoners but for us families on the outside who get no information and little help from the prisons themselves like we should know how prison life works
It is something that I felt I just had to say thank you because in my darkest hours of worry and difficult times I get a lot of comfort from reading my emails and sending them
It is more importantly keeping my son going in circumstances we didnt think we would ever encounter.
Thanks again. The article i read was correct go from zero to hero that statement is very true and you should be very very proud of your achievements and help and peace of mind you are giving to both prisoners and families. Refreshing to see even in the worst events of a person's life good things can happen. Kind Regards Tracy
I just wanted to say what an absolutely priceless service it is that you provide. With such a lack on prisoner focus in the actual institutions, your service gives more of a rehabilitation to many people’s loved ones. Communication is so key when people are locked up, no matter what their crime, and it’s essential that they know there is a constant, reliable link between themselves and the outside world.
My partner comes out in 6 days, but these past 232 would not have been anywhere near as sufferable without knowing that we could communicate like we can through EAP. It’s so easy to send an email, costing only 42p (cheaper than a stamp and envelope!) and that I can add a reply slip too so that he doesn’t need to be spending on postage supplies. We’ve discovered the beauty of letter writing and getting to write what we can’t perhaps say on the phone or on visits, and although we’re looking forward to putting this part of our lives behind us very soon, we will keep the letters as some of the few good memories of his time away. Name Withheld
I have found this website healing and very much needed for contacting a loved one in Prison. My father is in Jail and I miss him every day and some things that I cant talk to him in person I talk to him via message.
I think that any family or friend needs to contact there loved ones! Not only for them but for the Prisoner. It is a very lonely life for most and feel confined and depressed and having to read something does make their day!
Talk, nothing wrong in saying miss you, l love you. Doesn't matter what they are in prison for, just be there for them. Name Withheld
Hi guys and gals i just wanted to reach out and tell you a bit about me and say thank you .. i live in the scottish borders.. i was chatting to a guy online and we hit it off and became close .. bad turn of events and he was jailed about 10 days ago and with out this BRILLIANT service id be completely lost.. snail mail is a tad slow usually but with the bad weather up here even worse ... i dont drive im battling cancer and i love you guys and i know my close friend really appreciates the letters.. so THANK YOU you are life savers.. the borders to lancashire is a long way but your letters help us keep the bond going ..and i look forward to a date with this gentleman when hes out.. thank you emailaprisoner YOU LOT ROCK
I have been using your service for sometime and have to say how it helps both prisoners and families alike, I live abroad have a son in prison and cannot visit due to circumstances here, as I am a full time carer, anyway without your service I would feel cut off. Your service has given me a contact which is better than writing a letter I feel more in touch with my son just wish they had a reply service where he is. But to me your site helps hold me together as without it I would be even sadder and whoever set this all up deserves recognition as not all inmates are bad people and hopefully using this site keeps families together more it certainly helps me a great deal so well done and big heart felt thanks
Just a short message to thank you once again for th